"I am Awake, They are Not" workshop

Learn to Shift Your Relationship FROM STRUGGLE INTO LOVE

(No Matter Your Partner’s Consciousness Level)

FREE 50-Minute Prerecorded Workshop + PDF Workbook

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PLUS a 7-Day Relationship Reset Email Course - also FREE!

You will also receive a 7-day email course to keep the momentum going and start implementing lasting changes in your relationship.


Is this your reality?

Are you struggling in your romantic relationship?

Do you feel like you and your partner are living in different realities, timelines, or even planets?

Is it a "we are two ships sailing in different directions" type situation?

Or maybe even with a divide that feels multi-dimensional that keeps growing?

These types of relationships can feel more lonely than if we were truly alone.

You may feel isolated, misunderstood, angry, withdrawn, and hopeless.

It often comes with ridicule, gaslighting, shame, and blame.

You armor. You retreat. You protect your energy and your Heart. You feel stuck.

You feel powerless and hopeless. You fantasize about leaving.

What if there was another way?


love is not lost!

This was my reality, too. I know this place so well. I used to pray for clarity and answers. I would catch myself stuck in a cycle of beating myself up, resentment, giving away my power, being angry, playing victim, hiding, and feeling like a warrior priestess ready to set the world on fire (hello, Sekhmet!).

But I was Divinely guided to transform our relationship through practical (very tangible) and energetic tools. And now I help other women do the same.

If a part of you still sees the Light in your partner...

If there is a voice that whispers, "Try this!"...

If your Heart says, "Love can thrive here once again!"...

Please know there are better ways to navigate this challenging time and come out victorious.

Sign up above to WATCH THE FREE WORKSHOP and witness your relationship transform!



  • Feeling empowered (do you feel like it’s holding you back from stepping fully into your power?)

  • Better equipped to navigate difficult situations (able to navigate Spiritual and Physical worlds with more ease AND fights, conversations, moments disconnect)

  • Seeing things more clearly and as they truly are when it comes to this relationship (our past, grievances, predictions of the future, skewed interpretations, clouded perceptions, ego projections have not been helpful)

  • With practical ways to make the relationship thrive if your choice is to whole-Heartedly plunge into the expansion spiral this relationship represents.

  • Feeling lighter, more hopeful, inspired, open, compassionate, and finally having some practical solutions.

  • Understanding your partner and what they are experiencing.

  • FEELING UNSTUCK within the container of this relationship!



β€œJust finished the workshop. It was INCREDIBLE!! You are extremely talented in this realm and I am so glad I found your work. This issue is not discussed in the spiritual awakening community nearly enough... 

I am really starting to look at myself, my husband, and our marriage with a fresh set of eyes.”


β€œThe tips, strategies, and new ways of seeings things (him) you share have shifted the way I operate in my marriage. I have finally stopped seeing the other as the villain and myself as a victim. I was able to drop expectations and find peace.

Thank you…Thank you….Thank you!!!”


β€œYour words always touch me and create shifts within me, but this workshop was something else…I woke up next day with so much love and appreciation for my partner. It is as you said - the lenses have been wiped. I have so much more compassion and acceptance. I trust our path together so much more now. Thank you!”


Our Perceived Reality

We all wake up at different times and speeds. Some are lucky to come online at the same time as their partner. Some don't meet their "awakened" partners until they themselves have done much healing and evolving. But for many women, this is not the case.

We have been with this person for years. We may have children together. We built our lives together. And then we woke up.

Not because we were bored with our lives or desired something deeper but because THAT IS HOW OUR SOULS PLANNED IT.

We came online. And the call to embrace a new way of being, to flow with Life, to abandon old ways, to heal, to rise in vibration and consciousness, to set better boundaries, to embark on a new journey of exploration and expansion GETS LOUDER AND LOUDER.

The more we suppress it, the louder it gets. As dissatisfaction with the current situation grows, so does friction in the relationship. Or maybe we pretend that everything is okay, read all the Spiritual books, and take the classes in secret.

We embark on the journey solo, desperately wanting our life companion to join us.

We desperately want them to be our confidant in discoveries and sharing of synchronicities.

We desperately want them to SEE US for who we are in truth.

But their consciousness isn't there.

They do not understand. They see the world through a different lens. Their victimhood and control issues become too large to ignore. It is all we can see.

More division. More isolation. More friction.


UNLOCK 50-Minutes of Intensive Solution-Focused Material


  • Self + Partner Energy Shifting Teachings

  • Practical Communication Techniques

  • Connection Re-Starter Tools

  • Higher Perspective Visioning

  • Mindset + Heart Rewiring

+ Inner Inquiry PDF Workbook



About Kat

I am Kat, and I will be your guide and mentor on this journey.

What qualifies me to be your guide in this? Well, I can give you my list of diplomas (coach, energy healer, intuitive, channeler), but the biggest credential is my unique Soul gift in this human experience. I am the carrier of the Heart Key Codes. I am here to walk you through the portal of your Heart and guide you back to Love.

I have also been where you are standing. I spent three years working with the core Heart-Powered Living principles and watched my relationship with my husband transform. I also witnessed HIM TRANSFORM from the work I was doing. The most significant shift in him happened when I fully claimed my gifts and stepped into the Light.

We are all waking up at the time deemed appropriate and safe by our Higher Selves/Souls.

I know this work will create ripples in your shared reality and gently shift your relationship forever. The only question is - are you willing to shift and transform your situation?