New Earth Heart Circle


New Earth Heart Circle was born out of the desire and a loud Soul calling to anchor the frequency of New Earth through visioning, creating, and sharing dreams as a community. Our time together is filled with Heart-opening and expanding meditation, visioning quests, guided creative practice, light language and sound, and dream sharing. As we gather and share, our personal and collective visions are anchored and amplified. This is us reclaiming our creator power and birthing the New Earth.

Our intention is to create an energetic template for these New Earth visioning and anchoring circles so that you can take them and run them locally. As you gather in Circle with us, feel the power of it, and get your Heart ignited with its mission, you can then take this template and replicate it wherever you are in the world. You can gather with your friends, loved ones, soul family, and strangers in homes, parks, cafes, yoga studios, beaches, and retreats, turning these practices into your own, anchoring more of this frequency.

You are welcome to take our meditations, incantations, rituals, and practices and adapt them to your needs. We ask that you always connect to the greater Circle so it remains unbroken and keeps expanding. We are one village, one tribe. With time and space acting as illusions in our physical reality, your individual gatherings will be magnified when you tap into our larger Circle template.




Click to JOIN The New Earth Heart Circle Call.

Meeting ID: 897 1305 1823

Passcode: 658041

Find your local number to dial in.



Sign up to receive weekly reminders, alerts of sudden changes, and the materials for crafting your own experience.


The New Earth Heart Circle gatherings are free. If you are able to donate, we will be very grateful. Your donations support the sustainability of this meeting. This is the New Earth way. You are free to contribute whatever feels right. You are free to contribute after the event if that feels right. You are free to use whatever materials resonate for amplifying this tradition.

New Earth is here NOW, and we are the Rainbow Bridge that anchors it into our physical reality.

Thank you for being here, and we cannot wait to share energy with you in our New Earth Heart Circle.

Donations can be made through website processing (button below) or via Venmo to @Katerina-Gray



If you would like to act as a co-leader of the Circle, please fill out the form below, and let's connect.



December 3rd recording of group meditation and channeled message. Group shares, healing circle were not recorded.