You carry a unique Soul song, a radiant Light signature, and gifts only you can share with the world.

The magic you seek is already within you—it’s time to remember who you are and reclaim the full expression of your feminine power.

Step into your Golden Era and awaken the Queen codes within. Dare to dream again, live from your Heart, and leave behind the fearful ego. This is your second life, one filled with radiance, beauty, creativity, and abundance.

Together, we will ignite your Soul’s deepest purpose and unleash the fullness of your potential.


I offer several pathways for transformation, whether you're looking for a personalized 1:1 session, long-term mentorship, group support, or self-paced learning. Explore the options below and find the journey that resonates with your Soul.

1:1 Soul Magic Intensive Session

Experience Deep Transformation and Soul-Aligned Clarity

This 90-minute session weaves quantum healing, intuitive guidance, and your Soul’s wisdom to help you clear blocks, shift your perspective, and reconnect with your passion. You’ll leave with a personalized roadmap and resources tailored to your unique journey.

Heart-Powered Coaching + Mentorship

Shift into Living Your Heart-Powered Golden Era

This extended coaching program is for women ready to reclaim their power, align with their Heart, and step into a life of purpose, creativity, and abundance. We’ll work together over 6 sessions, using a combination of mindfulness, intuitive guidance, energy work, and practical tools.

Group Programs

Transform Your Life, Love, and Business with Our Group Offerings

Whether you’re seeking to heal your relationships, launch a Soul-led business, or shift into living from the Heart, our group programs offer powerful, supportive journeys.

In-Person and Online Workshops

Join Us for Immersive Learning Experiences

Our workshops are designed to deepen your journey, whether you're attending in person or online. From energy mastery to intuitive leadership, these events will support you in embodying your fullest expression.

Travel with Me

HER Wander Collective: Transformative Travel Experiences

Join me on carefully curated journeys designed to awaken your spirit, connect you with like-minded women, and immerse you in deep personal transformation. These trips are more than travel—they’re a sacred path to rediscovering yourself and your purpose.


This journey is for women who are ready to:

𓄣 Reconnect with their true essence and Soul

𓄣 Break free from the controlling mind and step into their power

𓄣 Reclaim their feminine magic and awaken their creative potential

𓄣Heal their relationships and align with more love, joy, and abundance

𓄣 Shift their consciousness and create a life filled with beauty, purpose, and fulfillment

If you’ve been feeling stuck, lost, or disconnected from your path, this is your invitation to step into your Golden Era. As one Era ends, a new life of luminescence, radiance, spaciousness, presence, luscious soulful embodiment, powerful intuition, bliss, beauty, feminine magic, creativity, passion, and inner peace begins.

You are in the right place. Welcome!

Are You Ready to Begin Your Heart-Powered Journey?
Each offering is designed to support you in awakening your Soul’s radiance and stepping into a life of purpose, intention, and magic.

Choose the pathway that resonates most, and let’s begin this transformational journey together.


  • “Our session was incredible in so many soul quenching ways, but the continual unfolding has been beautiful. Little ways that were keeping me stuck were unveiled, healed, and transmuted on levels I didn’t realize with my logical mind were there. The work you are doing shifts lives and humans need to know how epic it is!!! My heart has dissolved a lot of armor, not only the day of our session - but it continues, and it feels amazing! The clarity, the groundedness, the trust - all have elevated since our session and I am so so so grateful!!! 💜💜💜”

  • “Kat’s ability to connect in to your higher power and channel information from her guides for you is incredibly powerful and worth booking a session from her alone. Our session unblocked my heart and throat chakras the day of our session and for several weeks afterwards. I feel like I am still unblocking layers. She gave me a safe container to express what I most needed: Anger, rage, grief, joy, and forgiveness. Clarity and magic ensued.”

  • “If you are feeling lost, stuck, uninspired- I HIGHLY suggest you book a session with Kat stat!! Kat was able to immediately pinpoint the places where I’ve been stuck and communicate them in a way where I could not only receive the information- but feel like I could tackle these blocks. The information she channels is so empowering, spot on, and most of all, actionable! Her ability to listen and translate from the energetic and spiritual realm is a true gift and will definitely get you back on track with yourself!”

  • “There aren't enough words to describe how incredible it is to work with Kat. My experiences of working with her through the Shadow and Heart-Powered workshop have been transformational. Her wisdom, warmth, and capacity to inspire allows healing, growth, and development to happen in the most wonderful way.”

  • "Through her coaching, Kat helped me open my mind and my heart in ways where they could fully integrate and work together as one mind-body connection. I am FINALLY able to embrace joy, peace, and vitality while living an authentic life based on the values that are most important to me! I cannot recommend her highly enough and guarantee you will be a much better version of yourself after going through this transformative journey alongside her."

  • "You have immense, deep wisdom, and you guided me to explore some of the hidden areas of my being that have held me back. You helped me find flow and direction. I am eternally grateful that we crossed paths. You are such a gift to humanity. Your voice, your presence radiate healing energy that can reach anyone in need."

  • "I am so grateful I said yes to this opportunity to work with Kat and the Pyramid Codes! The amount of shifts I’ve experience in my life and business, and that I’ve witnessed in the group, since beginning this journey have been too many to count. Thank you Kat for bringing these teachings through so beautifully and sharing them and your gifts so generously!"

  • "After a long period of feeling stagnant and overwhelmed by the challenges with launching my business, I was able to take a giant leap forward shortly after I joined the Pyramid Codes container. The program’s framework, coupled with Kat’s insightful guidance, have allowed me to slowly break down the complexities into manageable action steps, while also empowering me to dismantle self-imposed barriers that had been significantly limiting my progress. Not to mention the great connection and support I’ve experienced with the group. I’m so grateful I was part of Pyramid Codes!"

  • "I do not have ample words to express my deep gratitude for Kat, the women, and the divine guides of the Pyramid Codes. Kat is a rare combo - a wealth of entrepreneurial knowledge, a seemingly endless capacity to hold space for others, and a strong intuitive capability to truly see into the heart of whatever challenges we are facing. I will forever cherish this beautiful container and its incredible support in launching my business and helping me fully step into my power."

  • “From the moment I met Kat I was excited to be connecting with her and I knew that she was divinely placed on my path. Her wisdom, and the pureness of her heart make her a powerful conduit of healing energy and guidance. I received a quantum healing session from Kat and it was absolutely transformational. The details of the entire container were so heartfelt, thoughtful and resonant; the channeled messages, the personalized altar, the gorgeous crystal bowls and Kat’s beautiful voice, all held the potent energy and intention. She was able to speak directly to my heart and help me to let go of something that had been weighing on me and wake up to my own worthiness in a gentle and nourishing way. I could actually feel the shift. I highly recommend any and all of Kat’s services, workshops, classes, events and offerings! Thank you so much Kat!! I am so grateful for you! 🤍💕✨”

  • "I am admiring with awe the strides that everyone has made in these nine months of gestation, what has already been birthed and what's in the process of birthing. And it's so beautiful and so empowering to be a part of. And what I've been able to get done in the last nine months, despite all the crazy chaos in my own life has just been amazing. Phenomenal. And I know that's the energy that's been carried in our collective pyramid. It's just been amazing. Anytime I've activated that pyramid watching what happens. And so thank you, Kat, for being our facilitator, and bringing all of these energies together in a way that only you could, there's nothing that you can't do."

  • "Kat has truly been the transformation coach I have been looking for to take me to that next level! I have experienced many traumas throughout my life, including cancer. I have used different approaches toward healing these traumas; however, my mind and heart were just not content. Not yet! I knew I was stuck and that something was still missing. My Ego and negative thinking patterns continued to rob me of being the person I was meant to be. I needed somebody to meet me where I was at and help me identify and remove these blocks. Only then was I able to move forward and continue walking this path of healing. Kat truly has a gift for keeping you motivated and engaged while walking this journey with you. She hears you, she sees you, and she feels your energy in a way that only a true healer can do."

  • "I was drawn to Katerina before I even started my mentoring journey and when I launched it, I knew she would be one of the first I would ask to help me with blocks. Just being on the other line of a session with Katerina gave me a feeling of calmness and excitement at the same time. She helped me streamline my mission and design my first workshop, as well as educate me about spiritual concepts I had not yet been exposed to, all in 90 minutes. She proves that time is an illusion and we are here for resonance. I believe Katerina will be able to hold space for you and mirror back to you exactly what you need from her no matter where you are in your journey, again and again."

  • "I have participated in two sessions (one live in person, and another virtual) with Kat and both have been inspiring & enlightening. Kat has a way of connecting and sharing that’s authentic & powerful. The passion and love she embodies is evident with each activity that she guides and leads you through. I felt better after being in her presence and will continue to participate in the loving work Kat is creating! Kat, thank you for sharing your wisdom in a way that is open, welcoming, empowering & genuine!"

  • "Pyramid Codes has helped me to deeper understand how my business is a living entity with an energetic grid that births all programs, products, offerings into the seen. I feel much more connected and aligned right now, knowing exactly what and how to do move forward. Kat was an amazing channel for all the teachings that came through, always encouraging and pouring her own heart and soul into this container. She always goes the extra mile to support you! If you are looking for more sacred connection in your business and an anchor that keeps you from pivoting, instead propelling you forward - this is it!"