𓆸 Did you lose yourself in your work, responsibilities, mothering, being a supportive partner, or being a caretaker?

𓆸 Did you lose your passion for life, unique feminine expression, voice, radiance, and creativity

𓆸 Did you lose touch with your dreams, intuition, body, and innate wisdom? 

𓆸 Do you find yourself walking around in circles? 

𓆸 Do you feel stuck, lost, disconnected in your work, relationships, and spiritual journey? 

𓆸 Are you manifesting a reality that is NOT your dream? 

𓆸 Are you tired of trying to figure out your purpose?

𓆸 Are you done with controlling and white-knuckling?

𓆸 Are you lacking all fire, motivation, and joy?

𓆸 Are you wondering, “How? What is it that I do not see that blocks me? How do I get from here to there?

𓆸 Are you ready to bring magic back into your life?

“I created these sessions because there were times on my own journey I wished I had this help. I wished I had a spaceholder, healer, intuitive mentor, or guide. I wished someone would help me see what was hiding in plain sight and connect the dots.

Each session is unique. I weave magic, quantum healing, intuitive channeled guidance, your Soul's voice, and my mentorship advice into each session. The intelligence of your Soul/Higher Self and your Council of Light assist in these sessions.

To me, this work is deeply sacred. I allow the divine to flow through me and provide what you need for your highest good.

Session Format + Expectations

This 90-minute session leaves you with dots connected, blocks and patterns illuminated, clarity around direction, and a personalized toolbox of practices and techniques. It is intense. It unearths a lot. It shifts a lot. 

You leave feeling empowered, uplifted, motivated, and genuinely clearer. You begin to see your life situation from a higher perspective. You leave feeling lighter and with a fire burning again. 

You leave with a plan. You receive a follow-up email with custom resources list, recommendations, meditations, Soul inquiry prompts, and whatever else applies to your unique situation. This is your roadmap and a prescription.

What to expect: coaching, intuitive guidance, mind quieting and Heart opening techniques, energy alchemy. Your session is recorded and emailed to you with a detailed recap with resources and recommendations.



“Kat’s ability to connect in to your higher power and channel information from her guides for you is incredibly powerful.”

”Kat was able to immediately pinpoint the places where I’ve been stuck and communicate them in a way where I could not only receive the information- but feel like I could tackle these blocks. The information she channels is so empowering, spot on, and most of all, actionable!”


Kat’s ability to listen and translate from the energetic and spiritual realm is a true gift and will definitely get you back on track with yourself!”


“I was drawn to Katerina before I even started my mentoring journey and when I launched it, I knew she would be one of the first I would ask to help me with blocks. Just being on the other line of a session with Katerina gave me a feeling of calmness and excitement at the same time. She helped me streamline my mission and design my first workshop, as well as educate me about spiritual concepts I had not yet been exposed to, all in 90 minutes. She proves that time is an illusion and we are here for resonance. I believe Katerina will be able to hold space for you and mirror back to you exactly what you need from her no matter where you are in your journey, again and again.”


“Our session was incredible in so many soul quenching ways, but the continual unfolding has been beautiful. Little ways that were keeping me stuck were unveiled, healed, and transmuted on levels I didn’t realize with my logical mind were there. The work you are doing shifts lives and humans need to know how epic it is!!! My heart has dissolved a lot of armor, not only the day of our session - but it continues, and it feels amazing! The clarity, the groundedness, the trust - all have elevated since our session and I am so so so grateful!!! 💜💜💜”


My session was nothing short of life-changing! Katerina has a true gift and has such a generous and giving soulshe can help you move through anything that is holding you back.  The experience is so far from anything I have tried before, and I have tried various kinds of healing, coaching and counseling. I highly recommend extending yourself, opening your mind and heart and feeling the power of what Katerina can do for you.


“From the moment I met Kat, I was excited to be connecting with her, and I knew that she was divinely placed on my path. Her wisdom, and the pureness of her heart make her a powerful conduit of healing energy and guidance. She was able to speak directly to my heart and help me to let go of something that had been weighing on me and wake up to my own worthiness in a gentle and nourishing way. I could actually feel the shift.

I highly recommend any and all of Kat’s services, workshops, classes, events and offerings! Thank you so much Kat!! I am so grateful for you! 🤍💕✨”

Our session was incredible in so many soul quenching ways, but the continual unfolding has been beautiful. Little ways that were keeping me stuck were unveiled, healed, and transmuted on levels I didn’t realize with my logical mind were there. The work you are doing shifts lives and humans need to know how epic it is!!!