Self-study program with LIVE monthly group circle gatherings

Are you and your partner living on two divergent timelines?

Do you feel stuck in a relationship that feels loveless?

How many times have you caught yourself thinking...

🤍 “The further I go on my spiritual journey, the more friction it creates in my relationship.”

🤍 “The happier I am, the more miserable he seems.”

🤍 “The higher my vibration from my soul’s work, the more separation we experience.”

Here’s the truth: your relationship, and your life, will shift when you choose to shift into the Heart.

When you choose compassion and love as your core vibrational state, the energy around you changes.
When you hold yourself and your partner in the highest light, you create a safe, loving space for him to reveal his light.

This course will transform your relationship, and the benefits will ripple through every area of your life.

Return to Loving from the Heart and Living in the Heart.

Client Success Stories

“Thank you Kat for this profound and lifechanging experience! This program truly empowered me to see beyond the self-imposed veils of separation and become an embodiment of this tuning fork vibrating at the frequency of true love. Ever since starting with the class, there have been major shifts internally, but also externally. My relationship with partner, family and friends has become way more nourished opening up for deeper levels of giving and receiving love. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!”


“Katerina is such a beautiful soul and guide to bringing you back home to yourself, your desires, needs, strengths etc. Re-membering my own divine creative power has put me back in the driver seat in all aspects of my life! For this I am forever grateful! Thank you! ❤️🙏”


This was an absolutely wonderful course. I not only learned about how I can be the light in my relationship and life, but also got to experience the most beautiful sisterhood where we explored so much. I have been able to shift so much in my relationship and life in a positive direction. Kat is an incredible facilitator, nurturer and space holder. I am so grateful to have been in this course, and to have worked with Kat.


I cannot believe what's happening. It's not always easy for me to hold that Light for him. But it's just incredible how in the past few days, the way we interact with each other has changed. Just yesterday, he told me about this new concept that came into his awareness. I am allowing him to take the lead. My inner Goddess is cheering so hard. Big thanks to you! It's a game-changer!”

I GET IT! I was where you are…

Ready to call it quits.

Either he changed, or I would walk. I couldn't imagine any other outcome, and I couldn't see a solution. I was losing hope. I was becoming more resentful and shutting him out.

You want to transform your relationship, to reignite love and passion. You want to feel empowered, accepted, and heard. You crave a deep emotional connection.
But how?

You long for a deep emotional connection. And the mind says to run! But the Heart is showing you that there may be another way. But how????

This program teaches you how to transform your relationship by transforming yourself.

Using the principles of this program, you will …

🌼 Relate to your partner in a new way,

🌼 Feel empowered to communicate your beliefs and emotions,

🌼 Establish the lost connection,

🌼 Return to experiencing Love and fulfillment.

RETURN TO LOVE in your relationship through "LOVING FROM THE HEART."

This course will teach you how to:

✨ Return to your Heart;

✨ Reconnect with the magic of Life; 

✨ Communicate (speak and hear) from the Heart;

✨ Meet your partner wherever they are on their journey;

✨ Navigate the relationship with a compassionate Heart;

✨ Wipe the ego filter/lenses clean and see/hear them clearly;

✨ Be more intuitive, intentional, and conscious in your relationship;

✨ Reestablish connection and build a new foundation;

✨ Release attachment/control and find peace again;

✨ Begin to dream and co-create a new life together;

✨ Stand in your power as a LUMINARY they need;

✨ Become a witness to the mutual unfolding.


🔥 Resenting and questioning why he isn’t waking up or changing to seeing him for who he truly is while living with compassion and reverence for his journey.

🔥 Feeling like you cannot speak your truth and share your interests to creating a safe space to be authentically yourself

🔥 Living a double life as an aspiring light holder to standing in your power and authenticity, radiating light that allows him to embark on his own awakening journey.

Is this sacred container for you?

Are you ready to:

  • Stand in your light, power, and sovereignty?

  • Live a magical life NOW, regardless of where your partner is on their journey?

  • Lead in your relationship from the Heart?

  • Release control, soften, and allow Love to unfold naturally?

If yes, then join me and a circle of other women for a transformational journey.

If yes, then JOIN ME and others.

Do the work on your own and come meet others for Heart-powered conversations around relationships.

Join our monthly gatherings focused on coaching, intuitive guidance, and fine-tuning what you learned in the self-paced modules.

When you are here...

You are held without judgment. You are seen. Your pain is acknowledged. Your desires are validated. Your journey is honored. But you do the work to shift into living from the Heart, powered by the Heart.

Are you ready?

Or do you choose to stay stuck?


🤍Module 1 - CORE🤍

You will be guided to explore the kind of partner you desire to be and finally vocalize what it is you want from a partner. Let’s get clear on what you want in your relationship so you can share this with confidence.

🧠Module 2 - CONSCIOUS🧠

Let’s unearth and bring to Light the ways your subconscious blocks you from having a beautiful relationship. Yes! Break free from the stories, ego personas, and behavior loops keep you stuck in undesirable reality.

🥰Module 3 - COMPASSION🥰

Compassionate Heart is open, soft, and gentle. Learn to be in your power and sovereignty while also softening and unkinking the hose of Love. Reignite the energy flow between you and your by shifting into your Heart.

❤️‍🩹Module 4 - COMMUNICATION❤️‍🩹

As the name suggests, this module is all about communication. Are you done fighting? Overexplaining? Defending yourself? You will learn about conversation stoppers, compassionate communication techniques, and more.

👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨Module 5 - CONNECTION👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Troubleshooting connection is the core of this module. Are you ready to revive your connection, understand what powers connection between men and women, and build solid pathways for Love that keeps expanding?

❤️‍🔥Module 6 - CO-CREATION❤️‍🔥

Dreaming together and building a beautiful future together is the focus of the final module. When two dream together, the forces are magnified. You hold the power to unlock your magical life together. We turn the Light back on in the relationship.

What You Will Receive:

  • Lifetime access to 6 video modules

  • Audio practices and meditations

  • A 42-page workbook filled with tools, communication exercises, and journal prompts

  • Monthly private group coaching calls




Frequency Asked Questions

Is this course designed for a couple to take together?

No, this course is for women. Many of us find ourselves in relationships where the partner is unwilling to do the work, yet love is still present, and we are not ready to give up on the relationship. If this is you - this is a course for you. If you find yourself in couples therapy and still stuck in old behavior patterns, this course is for you. However, the material was not designed for both partners to "study" together.

Is this course only for a man/woman relationship?

Primarily yes. Men and women are designed and built differently. These fundamental differences are front and center in this course. The partner is referred to as "he" mainly because the concepts and truths discussed apply to men only. This relationship type is also the only thing I KNOW. I teach this course from an embodied experience and from working with other women in similar relationships.

How long will it take me to complete?

This is entirely up to you! I would recommend NOT watching more than 1 module a week. The quickest, in this case, would be six weeks.

Does it really work?

Yes! Please see the reviews above. Yes. Yes. Yes!

How much time will it require?

The video lessons range from 23-45 minutes in length. The exercises, journal prompts, and meditation experiences may require 10-30 minutes a day, depending on your engagement level. I will say the most important piece of this work is daily practice. It is taking these concepts, integrating them by practicing, revisiting what didn't stick, and trying again.

What format is the content delivered?

Modules include video lessons, audio and video exercise/concept explanations, inner inquiry journal prompts, meditations, and more. It is very clearly organized and easy to follow. There is no fluff. And everything fits together like a puzzle.

Is there LIVE support?

Yes, every 1st Wednesday of the month, we have a group call! All details are in the course portal.

About Kat

I am Kat, and I will be your guide, teacher, mentor, healer, coach, intuitive, and soul sister holding your hand.

What qualifies me to be your guide in this? Well, I can give you my list of diplomas, but the biggest credential is my unique Soul gift in this human experience. I am the carrier of the Heart Key Codes. I am here to walk you through the portal of your Heart and guide you back to Love.

I have also been where you are standing. I spent four years working with the core Heart-Powered Living principles and watched my relationship with my husband transform. I also witnessed HIM TRANSFORM from the work I was doing. The most significant shift in him happened when I fully claimed my gifts and stepped into the Light.

We are all waking up at the time deemed appropriate and safe by our Higher Selves/Souls. Let us walk this path together. I promise to support you. I know our work together will create ripples in his reality and gently shift your relationship forever.

About Heart-Powered Living

Becoming Heart-Powered means you live a life guided and powered by your Soul. You live by its values and desires. You lead a life that is mindful, intentional, conscious, and intuitive. You co-create with the Universe. You trust. You flow. You take aligned action. You live as a channel for Divine Love, Will, and Grace.

You live in gratitude, reverence, and joy.

Your vibration changes as you embody your Soul’s frequency. You shift the energy of the space you inhabit. You become a walking transmitter of Divine Love, and this is what changes your reality and the reality of everyone around you.