About Heart-Powered Manual

My guides explained Heart-Powered Living as shifting from being controlled by your thoughts to being led by your heart. It is intuitive, mindful, and conscious living. You power through life trusting in Source greater than you. You allow it to guide and direct your life. You are plugged into Source and allow all to come to you and for you. You are relaxed and free. You embody your Higher Self and become one with all. You see beauty and create beauty freely. You give and receive freely. Your power comes from knowing that you are supported and allow everything to flow uninterruptedly. The energy in you is ignited, and love flows out. It is a state of oneness. A state of unison. A state of uninterrupted flow.

"You become Heart-Powered when you understand the power of love and are ready to transition into a life guided by love, protected by love, enveloped in love, full of love, every decision is out of love. Love for yourself. Love for the planet. Love for every living being. You love and live in peace." - The Pleiadian Collective

In becoming Heart-Powered, you power our Earth with the energy and intelligence that your Heart transmits. This may be the most significant way to serve. As you become Heart-Powered, you aid in the ascension of our planet. You connect your Heart to Earth's Heart and all other human Hearts.

There is a golden thread running through all of us. It runs through our Hearts. It's bobbing and weaving, connecting all of us like a giant network of beautiful beings. This golden thread is Divine Love. It is the energy in our Hearts. It is magnified as it passes through you and moves onto the next being. The energy in your open and activated Heart magnifies the force running through this golden thread. It powers this force. Your Heart powers the ascension of our planet and humanity.

Your Heart wants to lead. Your Heart wants to show you what's possible. Your Heart wants to create an example of life you would experience in the New World. It is ready to leap. Your Heart is ready to come online and connect to others. 

Why this text?

The Heart-Powered Manual is a channeled text delivered by The Pleiadian Collective and recorded by me. Think of them as the universal energy of love. That is exactly how they first introduced themselves to me to make things a little less "alien." They are higher dimensional light beings that are guiding the Earth and our Collective through the ascension process. Even if these origins, the idea of higher intelligence in the Universe, or the word "ascension" doesn't resonate with you, I still encourage you to read the text and their call to action.

I can't stress enough the urgency they wanted to convey with this delivery. We cannot delay this work. 

This is Part One of the Manual. Part Two will be delivered when we have made progress on this initial Heart Technology integration. 

Couple of things to note:

  1. The manual is and will always be free. If you are someone who can read a text, do the work, and embody the lessons, please download it and go for it. If you find yourself stuck or slacking, the mini-course will be here for you to come back to.

  2. The mini-course is me teaching the concepts of the manual. I was told to use my knowledge and skills as a coach and a mindfulness teacher to guide you through the material. The manual is broken down into digestible lessons. It includes guided exercise recordings (so you don’t have to memorize them), journal prompts, a daily checklist to keep you on track, my take and interpretations of the concepts (think of it as me digesting it and giving you tips on how to implement and integrate the information), and monthly ZOOM calls for discussions and Q+A. You will be notified via email used in the purchase.

  3. IMPORTANT: Whenever a recommendation for an herb or plant medicine is made, please see it as an example and not a prescription to follow. It is brought up to encourage us to become advocates for our health. I recommend connecting with an Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, following Medical Medium advice, and many other amazing health professionals who are working tirelessly to change the way we heal ourselves. If you need recommendations, email me!

Enjoy! If you have any questions, please reach out via email or Instagram. 


Free PDF Manual

Heart-Powered Manual

Mini Course


Your Heart is a magnificent creation that speaks with the voice of your Soul. It holds the keys and codes to all creation. It holds an ancient technology that is the driver of the higher intelligence within your physical body. It has laid dormant and hidden inside you. The time has come for your Heart to come online. The time has come for you to embody your Higher Self and become one with all.


“It is time for the rebellion of the Heart.”

- Hear-Powered Manual, Part 1

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Heart Opening Meditation

I created this meditation to cultivate a greater sense of self-love, love for others, and oneness with all. The visualizations and guidance aim to help you open your heart through feelings of appreciation, love, and compassion. It also includes some of my favorite channeled teachings about love and the power of our hearts. You may find it helpful on your journey.

Please allow for 20 minutes in a quiet place. Sit comfortably on the floor or a chair with your back straight and hands resting on your legs or over your heart space.