This might be the least pleasant workshop of all, but it is also the most important one. Our shadow is full of disowned aspects of self. They are qualities we have deemed unlovable and undesirable and hid deep in a dungeon of our subconscious minds. We can’t heal and integrate what we don’t own. So let’s open that dungeon and meet our shadows. Don’t rush through this workshop. Take several days (if needed) to get through all the content.

Each part has additional workbook/journaling exercises and audio recordings. The complete workshop workbook is available for preview and download at the bottom of the page.

Part 1 - Unlock the Dungeon

Exercises for this section include: My Dungeon, my shadow list.

Part 2 - Face the Shadows

As you work through this part of the workshop, take your time to work through the “I AM” mirror exercise and the Judgment Journal. This is a crucial step in the process.

Part 3 - Reframe Shadows

The exercises for this part are: Rewrite the Story, Purge Writing Exercise, Passengers on the Bus, and Emotional Release.

Passengers on the Bus

Allow for 10 minutes in a quiet place. Release any expectations and allow words/images/sensations to come into your awareness. Journal about the findings.


Emotional Release Meditation

This guided Emotional Release Meditation is an adaptation of Deepak Chopra's exercise. I recorded it to walk myself through it in a more meditative state instead of reading the prompts. The original script can be found here.

Find a comfortable place to sit and allow about 20 minutes for this exercise. I recommend having your journal close by for reflection after this powerful exercise.

If this doesn't end up working for you, another idea that Deepak Chopra mentioned, one that I use with my clients, is to write letters. You write those painful experiences out in first person (yourself), in the second person (the other person involved), and finally the third-person (I like to recommend a wise and impartial elder). It can be helpful for perspective, clarity, and emotional release.


Part 4 - Embrace Shadows

In this final part of the workshop, I invite you to take time to write a love letter to yourself and work on integrating the “I AM…Good” traits. Use the workbook prompts for guidance.

Workshop Workbook

The preview of the full workbook is below. You can download the pdf of the workbook for printing here.

What’s next?

Next recommended step is the Freedom from Ego course and Cultivating Self-Love Workshop.


