Soul Mission?

Do we have soul missions or did we just come to play?

Recently, I heard someone say that we don't have soul missions, we come here just to play. That this is not an Earth school but a playground. I asked Spirit for guidance around this because so many of us, including myself, as long as we remember (early childhood), have had a remembrance that we are here to do something. Many even remember seeing a mission brief and a Soul council meeting with stern and specific instructions. Many communicate with their teams in other realms who give them clear instructions in a very commanding way. Many are told, "You are the boots on the ground, and you volunteered for this."

When I asked my higher self and the guides these questions, this is what they answered. "Does your mission feel like play? The most important question you can ask yourself is how can my work feel like play? For example, your mission is to reach and empower people. How can you approach this mission in a playful way?

Me: "That's not how I play. I play by creating." Then how can you create through play? Can you turn your feed into art? Can you create more art? Today. Do not delay. How do you play? Earth altar? Colorful diagrams for planning? How do you play? Play within your pyramid container? (referring to teachings) Not with a harsh intention to stick to a certain schedule but through play. There are many ways to make money, but it can be challenging or easy. And it can feel like play.

If you want people to find you with ease, make yourself more magnetic. Turn on your pyramid's magnetic field. Play with the energetics. Play. Don't treat it as a task. Can you make it a playful experiment?

If it doesn't feel like play, don't take it on. This is your sign. Of course, you still have to do Earth element tasks you dislike, but can you make those playful, too? Can you find joy in them? Can you make them playful? You came here to play, yes, but you also came here to serve as a vehicle for ascension - an ascension coordinator.

What I know for certain is that none of us have the full view. You are looking at any situation from a limited view. Imagine yourself in space looking at Earth. You see what is going on in Austin, TX, and Los Angeles, but do you see what is going on in India? Any information you receive (especially from a third party) is even more limited. It came through their channel, their human personality.

I stand by my belief that, yes, many came just to play and have a human experience, remembering they are creators of their reality and explore physicality. But there are those of us who feel the flame of their Soul mission burning strongly inside them. I call these "commander souls" who are learning ways to make a very clear mission not rigid but playful. They are excellent future-casters. They are being fed images of timelines and possibilities so they can take that inspiration and bring it into the physical.

They find it hard to flow and release expectations. They feel the weight of their mission (not ego-based but a belief beyond small consciousness that they cannot fail this time). Many of these humans remember Atlantis. They remember that this is the 11th hour and it is a responsibility they signed up for. And they are also remembering that unity consciousness and Love is the only way and they are here to ignite others into this remembrance. When we tell these people, "Just be, you don't have anything to do, just be." It's like telling an upset child to calm down.

Unless you are that soul, you will not understand it. You may even question or put it down. But to say that we are all this or that is, in many ways, ignorant and discounts others' experiences. I speak to this because this is me. No rewiring would ever change that. In quantum hypnosis, in a channeling session, and in a soul guidance reading by someone else, you would be told the same thing. Yes, there is free will. But in truth, there is no turning you back on the mission brief. And we are not here alone. We are many. If this is you, don't be a stranger.


Is conviction dangerous?


New Year, New Energy