Is conviction dangerous?

Is conviction the secret sauce or is it dangerous?

The other day, I participated in a group experience where the speaker spoke with more conviction than I had ever witnessed. Her confidence and presence were commanding in many ways and the way she spoke was truly magnetic.

But there were moments when she said something that made me retract all of my energy from the circle. She presented concepts in a way that said, "This is how it is, and everything else is wrong." I watched many on the zoom call nod and take it as the ultimate Truth they would now work to integrate into their code.

Hmmm, how does she know? She doesn't have an absolute view? She doesn't see the whole picture? In fact, she even said these teachings came from her teacher, not her own truth, not channeled by her but taught to her by her teacher. I would normally not get bothered by this, but it was such a giant contradiction to what I believe. Yet she spoke with so much conviction that it was hard not to believe her.

Do you feel like conviction sells whatever you are trying to sell? Especially in the spiritual world, where so many of the concepts floating around have no "scientific" backing or universal truth revealed to all. There is noone auditing anything. We give people power by putting them on pedestals as concept/spiritual truth authority figures and wire their words into our belief system/code. I can make something up and with conviction convince huge amounts of people that it is the Truth. This is where discernment comes in!

Discernment about the energy underneath the message is so important. How does one grow their discernment? It's like a muscle you have to work. You absolutely have to. When I first started channeling galactic consciousness the visual of our solar plexuses acting as drain filters was revealed to me. At the time I was not trained in any energy healing modality and had no idea about our solar plexus chakras. Your solar plexus can reveal to you what is the truth and what is not. This is universal. Not just some Human Design chart but not another. We can all discern through feeling via our solar plexus. The interesting thing is the solar plexus is also our power center - Do you see the link?

When I reflect back on what occurred on that call, I could feel my solar plexus shutting down and closing after my body had a negative reaction to the presenter's energy. It wasn't just the words, my body discerned something was off with the energy (as well as the delivery). Maybe it was the intention behind it all, or maybe it was the source of information. Whatever it was, the consciousness and energy that was being transmitted were not welcome by my body. The curious thing is, my body had the same reaction to the attempt to read the book by the presenter's teacher. The reaction that feels like "just NO, this is not love you came here to know."

Had I resisted this urge to protect myself and allowed myself to open and keep receiving, my personal power would have begun to drain from my body. What does it feel like when someone says to you, "Everything you know about this subject is wrong? And this is right. You need to accept it. And let me rewire you?" (Because this is what happened) My guess is most of us will have the discernment to say, "hell to the no! Get out of my field," but when we are in an open, vulnerable, longing for help/solutions/answers state and someone is speaking with the utmost authority and conviction we lower our defenses and drink the koolaid.

It doesn't always end up poorly for the receiver. But it can and often does. I invite you to be extra cautious when listening to someone coming with a ton of bravado, cockiness, and pushy energy. Try to sense what is underneath all that. Try to discern if they are FOR YOU or if it's an immediate pass.

Empower yourself to walk away when something doesn't feel right energetically, no matter how famous the person is, what results they promise, or how big their following is. Our spiritual awakening is exactly that - awakening to Divine truth. And the only way we can truly access it is through our Hearts.


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