New Year, New Energy

I don't know about you, but I am feeling called to clear my house to celebrate 2024. The energy of this 8-year keeps showing up as an infinity sign; figure eight is running energy nonstop. For our personal energy to remain free and clear, we need to develop some personal energy hygiene practices AND manage the energy of our surroundings. You may have heard me talk about it before, but our energy is often merged with the energy of our homes, people, and objects that surround us.

The first thing to do is to become fully aware of your own energy field. Claim your sovereignty. Return all energy that is not yours back to Source (don't give it to Earth, she has enough on her plate), and recall back to you anything you unwillingly and unconsciously gave away. Surround yourself in a capsule (egg) of Light. And allow the energy to settle. This, my sweet friend, does not replace clean eating, drinking plenty of water, moving your body, taking care of all of your internal systems, etc. Conscious management of our well-being has to happen on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and energetic.

The energy of your home/space is only as clear as you are! As a professional space energy cleaner, I will tell you straight up that the best energetic space practice is to DECLUTTER. It is the best form of alchemy. Everything holds energy and generates energy. Notice how a pile of old paperwork or clothes or books feels. It is generating energy - emotions in you. It may even manifest as a block inside your own system and not just your home's. Let's say your home is clean and organized, and you surround yourself with objects that bring joy; what now?

Energy clearing is twofold. We have to move out the old/unwanted energy and replace it with the sparkling new/intentional energy. Before you begin, I ask you to focus your attention on your space. Room by room, starting with the entrance. Go walk it physically and do a walking tour during meditation (optional). Notice how the energy feels. Notice what emotions or thoughts come up. Notice the energy of the corners and in old furniture. Close your eyes and feel into it. Maybe a memory of an old argument comes up. Or a disease. Or maybe your office space holds a negative memory of paying bills or something that makes you feel uneasy.

Run your hands through the space. Feel with all your senses. Listen with your Heart. Listen to your body. Can you name what needs to be shifted? Can you see it as a word or feel it as an emotion or thought, i.e., indecision, disempowerment, fear, or disease? Hold the intention to shift this in your mind. Before you begin, light a candle. Set your tools on the makeshift altar, and take a moment to state your intentions. If you feel called, make it beautiful and ceremonial. Add flowers. Write a love note to your home. Now to the tools.

This is where YOU get to decide. You can use any element and any tool. I will say energies that feel really dense need heavier tools, e.g. louder sound like a gong or clapping. You can choose to work with the element of air through sound - use your voice to tone, clap, use hand movements to guide energy out, open the windows, and escort it out. You can use smoke (palo santo, sage, mix of herbs, resins like frankincense or copal). Use earth - sprinkle salt in the corners of the room to absorb negativity, hold the intention for it to take place, sweep it up, and dispose of it in the sunlight.

You can make a water-based spray with an infusion of essential oils or fresh flowers, spices, and herbs. This, however, serves better as a blessing and infusion of new instead of dealing with the old. You can use a selenite wand to walk around and iron out the wrinkles of energy that don't quite flow. Can you make it playful? Can you make it your own? Room by room, perform the ritual in each space. I like to stand in the doorway of each room when finished facing the enter of the room, close my eyes and imagine going through the energetics of the space to make sure it is all done.

Remember the intention and focus you hold while performing these tasks is what matter most. Now to the new. What is your desire for your space? What do you want your home to feel like? Can you write it on a piece of paper? Add it to the altar. When you are done, you may want to bury it inside one of the house plants to grow. Now, you are going to return to each room with the blessing tool. I like to use an essential oil water spray or a tuning fork or a flower that dips into a water bowl and acts as a wand. I walk each room and bless it. I stand in the doorway facing the center with my hands towards the space. I close my eyes, and from my Heart, I speak the intention.

"May this space be filled with love and joy." "May all who enter this space feel loved." "May this room be a magnet for abundance and creation." "May this room grant me the sweetest dreams and deepest rest." The intention can be the same for all rooms or different. I use a tuning fork to draw figure eights and seal the beautiful energy. Open the curtains/blinds. Allow the light of the sun in. Allow fresh air in. When you are done, stand at the entrance of the house where you started. Once again, I stand with my palms facing the space, and I say my final blessing. "Bless this home. Bless the people and creatures that live here and all who visit. May Love radiate from our Hearts into this home and out into the world. Blessed be. And so it is."

Happy 2024! Blessed be! I love you and wish you all you wish for yourself and more!


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Heart-Powered Guidance