Heart-Powered Guidance

The Heart is the gateway to spirit. Your human Heart was designed as a portal to higher realms and Source. It is the elevator to universal highways. The access point towards the unified field. It is the Heart. Not something inside your skull. It is the physical organ of the Heart and the energy that is present and generated by it. It was designed this way. And it has been waiting for you to unlock its potential and its true power. It has been gently calling you, nudging you, and if you are reading this it may be screaming louder each day now. ”Come back to the truth of who you are,” it says. "Come back to your Self."

Know yourself through the lens of the Heart. Through the lens of compassion and unconditional love. Chose to walk the path of light empowering others to turn their hearts on and reunite together in a global symphony of Heart song where we each play a unique note but of the same familiar frequency, the frequency of Love.

Return to love, return to your Heart as the driving force. Not the mind or ego that overthinks, overschedules, overreacts, overuses, or overdoes. No more overs. What feels right? What is the right amount? What is a better way to respond? What does your body need right now? Find peace within your heart and you will be free. Free from mind's control. Free from others' control. Free from the comparison game. Free from shame, guilt, and fear. They give you false reasons to exist. False reasons to strive. To be the best. To be the most well known. To be like others. To be liked by others. To be safe. To be faster. To be slimmer. To be prettier. To look younger. To speak smarter. To read faster. To be a better salesperson.

But all along you were forgetting your humanity. You were cutting off the part that does not want to conform to these norms and face nervous system deregulations. The part that screamed, “this is not right!” or “this is not for me” the part that knew all along that this journey you call life has nothing to do with becoming any or all of those things. Not about checking the boxes. Not about climbing to the top. Not about pushing yourself towards exhaustion to get up on a pedestal others can look up to.

How can you feel free when you are on this pedestal? How can you feel loved? Truly loved for who you are and not what you have achieved? Do you see now? It doesn’t end. There is no end. You walk around in circles looking for meaning while meaning is inside your Heart.

Your Heart holds the answers. And while you are walking in circles you fail to do the most natural thing. To reach inside your pocket and pull out the key that unlocks the vault inside your heart that holds all the wisdom of the universe. All the peace. All the love. All the abundance. All the joy. And there you feel whole. There you feel at home. There you have finally arrived and there is no more need to look outside of yourself and chase your tail. Welcome home sweet one. Welcome home to your Self.

Once you experience the vibration of love it is hard to exist in anything denser. You seek refuge. You seek sanctuary. You seek peace. And while we can create a beautiful sanctuary inside a home (and I can help you with that too) it is the sanctuary of your own Heart that needs tending to first. It is the most important piece to the puzzle that is you and this journey we call life.

Relinquish the need to control. Relinquish the desire to go faster. And what do you have left? A slow-flowing life. Isn't that what all of you want? A slower-paced life where you get to enjoy a life of abundance and pleasure and flow. Where you get to cocreate effortlessly with the universe and flow with acceptance and grace. "How?" you ask. Didn’t we just say that control and the desire to go faster were the enemies of your desires? They stall you. They leave you in a tight grip of your ego unable to escape the constructs created by society and the limited mind. For minds truly are limited. They have not had a chance to expand like the consciousness. The mind is the last thing to expand. Repeat that. Let that sink in. The mind is the last thing to expand. After it has gone through the body and became deeply ingrained only then can the mind truly expand. Not with the knowledge. But with the feeling, being, sensing that information alone cannot deliver. The mind processes slower than the Heart. And that is the truth. The Heart is the great igniter. The great initiator. It is the mechanism that powers the progression of consciousness through your physical vehicle. While the mind serves the function of a brake. It stops. It slows. It impedes the flow of higher consciousness for it is unknown and the unknown has been taught to be feared and rejected.

Oh how much unlearning the humans have to do. How much unnecessary burden they have created for themselves. Drop the weight. Drop it. And feel lighter in an instant. You are the masters of your energy. You are the creators of your reality. Create from a place of lightness. Create from a sense of freedom and personal power. Create from the heart for it will not lead you astray. It is wise. It holds the intelligence of the universe and Source itself and keeps it running through you at your command. Unlock your true potential. Become Heart-powered. And there will be no stopping you. You will become a superhuman. An avatar for your Higher Self, an embodiment of Source energy walking this Earth. Are you ready? Are you ready to shine? Are you ready to lead? For lead, you will. And shine you will. If you can surrender to the teachings and step up bravely to the call that you yourself put out. The call is to rise. The time has come. No more dillydally. No more excuses. No more human business. The tides have turned. It is time to rise.


New Year, New Energy


Tarot 101