Rise - Your Action Plan

We are being called to rise. 

Do you feel like you are being called to do something?

Do you feel this inexplicable urge in you to do something very important and urgent? 

Is your soul stirring and calling you to act?

You may already identify yourself as a lightworker, or hearing this term for the first time makes that something stir, or maybe you are just waking up to this world of unseen reality. Either way, it sounds like you are ready to get involved. 

I am going to connect the dots for you. You are being called to help in the ascension of our planet. There is a planetary shift happening, and it is happening now. Here’s your prescription/your action plan:

  1. Get in Alignment - Remember who you are. It is time to anchor. Find your anchor. Find your compass. You may feel uprooted and stranded without a compass. You need to come back to yourself. Reconnect with your highest self and allow yourself to be guided. I have a free workshop on this. You might be wanting to jump straight into “becoming intuitive” work, but I implore you to remember who you are first. That connection will be your driving force. You are unique. You have unique gifts, and those gifts are what you are here to share. You can’t act on the messages effectively without having firm footing. 

  2. Become the observer of your mind - Practice dissociating. I have talked about it before, but this is the key to everything. The first step to disengaging from the ego is to realize you have an ego. All you have to do is sit quietly and focus on a sensation in your body or the room. When a thought comes in, notice that thought. As you notice it, realize that there is a part of you that is doing the noticing (OBSERVER), and a part that is doing the judging, pushing, painting false narratives (EGO). PRACTICE MORE!

  3. Free yourself from ego grip - You are not your thoughts. That’s a tricky one. Most of us will never achieve full freedom from that part of our mind, but we can learn techniques to quiet it and change the neural pathways in your brains, so those thoughts and narratives no longer get fired. This is a massive part of my course, and if there is interest, I can do a workshop on just this. The simplest thing you can do to think of it as just radio chatter. You simply thank your mind when useless chatter comes in. “Thank you, Mind.” Don’t get involved and dragged into fighting the ego. It is futile and takes too much energy and good vibrations. Just thank it, and move on.

  4. Be fully present - Anchor yourself in the now. There is nothing but the NOW. Memories of the past and projections of the future are just that. They belong to the ego. How true are they? Practice bringing full awareness to whatever you are doing. FULLY. The more you practice it, the easier it will be to remain in the present moment for long periods. Practice meditation. Now is the time to start if you don’t have a practice. I have a couple of recorded ones I can share, or you can try Insight timer/other apps, free ones on Instagram and Youtube. Ask, and I will point you in the right direction. I believe there is a meditation style for every mind type; we just have to figure out what it is.

  5. Heal the emotional blocks - Drop the sandbags as I am being told to explain this one. Imagine you are in a hot air balloon trying to rise. Your vibrations (the fuel in the balloon) are super high. But you can't move. You can’t because of the sandbags attached to the sides of the basket. You need to cut those cords and drop them. This is what Eckhart Tolle calls “painbody”. On the blog, I share a link to Deepak Chopra’s explanation of how to do this. Here’s an audio recording version I made to take you through it in a guided meditation. Another idea that Deepak Chopra mentioned in that post, one that I use with my clients, is to write letters. You write those painful experiences out in first person (yourself), in the second person (the other person involved), and finally the third-person (I like a recommend a wise and impartial elder). It can be helpful for perspective, clarity, and emotional release.

  6. Connect to your feelings - You are a receiver. You receive information through vibrations that translate as feelings in your body. You have to be willing to receive. State it out loud, “I am open to receive.” You have a choice to shut it off or stay open. There is always a choice. I received this message: ”You have a barometer stronger than any computer brain. You have a lie detector that is more accurate than any machine. You just need to turn it on. Turn off your brain. Set your intention to read what you don’t see. To read energy. Ask for help reading, and in time it will become your natural state. Attune your solar plexus like a radio antenna in the receiving mode. But protect yourself. Don’t leak your own energy. Your energy is yours to keep. Guard your own energy. Don’t take on anyone else’s vibrations. It is a burden you do not need.”

  7. Connect to your intuition - Daily! Write it all down. Journal more! Practice automatic writing. I have a free connect to Highest Self meditation you can use. Call the energy in. "My Highest Self at Source..." This will come naturally as you quiet the mind and connect to your feelings more. If you are not receiving messages, it might be because you have not worked through the other items yet or raised your vibrations (next item). Another thing you can do is to become creative again. Don’t laugh! Think of yourself as a child. You were intuitive and fully present in the creative flow. You just forgot! When we create, we feel more and think less. It strengthens our connection to our intuitive guidance. Becoming enthralled in creative flow allows for your mind to disengage, giving space for your senses to be open and aware—your attention shifts from the thinking to being intuitive. As you work through the previous items, your connection will become stronger. And you will begin receiving more information meant for YOU.

  8. Raise your vibrations - DISPEL FEAR. FOCUS ON LOVE. Metta mediation is my favorite for raising vibrations. Move the stagnant energy - dance, jump, move that energy out of your body. Drink more water! We are energy and water; you need to drink more to let it flow. Eat cleaner, more vegetables! Use essential oil. Whatever your body is guiding you to do. Look at everything as a vibrational substance. What does your body tell you about it? Does it carry light or dense vibrations? Correct any other dissonance in the surroundings. Look at your wellness ecosystem - family, work, friends, news, social media feed, music, our vibrations are affected by the surroundings. We don’t always have an option to change things, but we can change how it affects us! I can talk more about this if you are interested. They have said this about beauty - “Surround yourself with beauty. Beauty elevates your vibration. If you ever reach for beauty, that’s your sign that you need more of it. What colors bring you joy? Bring more of it in. Surround yourself with joy outside, and you will experience joy inside.” Joy is one of the highest vibrations, and that’s what we are trying to achieve!

  9. Connect with Gaia - Ask for help to recharge you. Recharge in the sun. Ask the sun to penetrate your body and heal you with its energy of life. Everyday. Every single day. Go outside, ask, and receive. Ask to receive whatever upgrades are necessary. Get yourself in water. They have said - “Water is a conduit of energy.” Get in water and ask for the negative energy and stagnant blocks to be washed away. Ask for help to clear your vessel. Replace all that doesn’t serve with light and love energy. 

  10. Rest is your seatbelt - Buckle up! Your mind is probably telling you to skip this, but as our bodies and the world around us is changing, this one is one of the most important. There is so much happening beyond our awareness, and they have said - “If you don’t have the seatbelt on, you may not make it to the destination in one piece.” Use discernment for what the right type of rest is. You want quality rest! Sleep more. Sleep allows for the ultimate healing of your body. What are you doing to stop yourself from healing properly? Why? Why are you resisting sleep? You have to be smart about sleep and rest. In this changing energetic landscape, you need to take extra care of yourself. Be smart about rest and sleep. 

  11. Join hands - you are not alone. Reach out. There are so many of us on the ground and so many in energy form. I share daily channeled messages and you can sign up to get them in your inbox with my digest/interpretation. There are others I can connect you with. I connect the dots and people. We are not supposed to be doing this alone. We are an army of light. Together we raise the vibrations and assist in this planetary shift. You came here for this. Remember? 

Love and light,


“May we all remember and rise. And so it is.”


How to stand in your power?

