How to stand in your power?

“Stand in your power” phrase seems to be everywhere lately. Have you been hearing/seeing it all over the place? I have. It led me to try to figure out exactly what it means and how to do it. Using both my intuitive side and analytical mind, I mapped out an action plan for myself and you. Here we go.

1. Remember who you are. Hint: You are a soul living this human experience. You are connected to the divine energy source and the Universe. You are connected to your Highest Self, the purest energetic expression of you that “lives” at Source. You ARE that Self. You have access to wisdom, guidance, love, and unlimited knowledge. Remembering this will activate you in more ways than you can imagine.

Now that you remember or at least are entertaining the idea of it, it is time to align with your Highest Self and begin living as the version of yourself that you incarnated to be. You can start by asking yourself these questions: Who do I want to be? How do I want to behave? How can I be of service? Be careful not to let your ego take charge. It is not about how you want the world to perceive you but how your most authentic and honest Self wants to live. I have a free Values Discovery and Alignment Workshop you can take, and a free meditation to connect with your Highest Self.

2. Take power back from your ego. I know I talk about this a lot, but your ego wants you to forget who you are. It wants you to stay small and powerless. It wants you to believe all love is conditional. The ego wants to create an image to impress others, please them, and hold on for dear life to the mask you are wearing. As a result, your self-worth becomes based on others’ validation/approval/opinion of you. And ego is terrified to be discovered as a less than perfect impostor, to be rejected, lose status and power. But what power do you really have when it’s based on false identity and lies?

The ego will keep the comparison game going for as long as it can. “They are better than me” sends a signal to the universe that you don’t think much of yourself (hello, low self-worth) and directs your power/energy towards the subject of the comparison. Also, when you compare, you might be comparing your mask to someone else’s mask. What good is that? If you compare your mask to someone else’s bright, authentic light, that’s your wake up call! Wake up! Remember (step are that light too!) We spend 3 weeks on this during my course. It takes implementing new patterns of thought and behavior, creating new neural pathways, choosing to reclaim your power over the ego every minute of every day, and choosing the NOW.

3. Bring all that lurks in the shadows to light. What are the dramas in your head? Free yourself from them! What are you hiding? What are you afraid of? What are you ashamed of? What are you most afraid of in finding out about yourself? What are you most afraid of that someone else will find out about you? This fear is blocking your power and sovereignty. This is not as easy as just one journalling session. This work requires honestly, self-compassion, curiosity, and time. This is your healing work. Please know that we all have all of the same traits as you. We all have the same fears and narratives. Start by examining yours, and ask yourself, “What do I need to integrate this?” You are not broken. You are not bad. You were born whole. You can be whole again. This one is crucial for reclaiming your power. If you don’t, the narratives will keep controlling you.

4. Check your surroundings. Your energy is your power. Think of a situation when you felt empowered, and then someone said something or you watched a show/news, and suddenly all power was drained out of you. Yea! Who and what is bringing you down? What depletes your power and energy? Choose what feels good! Use discernment through feeling. Let your body and intuition guide you towards what lights you up. You always have a choice to change your state of mind and energy to come back to higher vibration/feeling good/empowered state.

Tip: To quickly shift your thoughts, think about gratitude. What are you grateful for? Paint the whole experience vividly in your mind. Engage all the senses. Relive it. It will instantly shift your energy.

5. Divine love and divine help. Ask for guidance and support in prayer. Reconnect with your heart and affirm, “I am ready to step into the life I came here to live. I trust in divine guidance. I choose to stand in the light. I spread light and love. I am whole. I am powerful.” Ask daily, “how can I serve today?” It might not feel powerful, but your power comes from being able to spread your light and love into the world. As you begin to believe that you are divine, whole, powerful, that energy will help shift the consciousness of others. It will give them permission to step into their power. They will be able to heal, integrate, and embodying the version of themselves they are meant to be.

Let me know if you have any questions or need extra guidance.


What are you afraid of?


Rise - Your Action Plan