Here we go...another pivot!

This last month, we collectively moved through the eclipse portal. Many of us feel like we were put through the wringer; some reported experiencing death and rebirth, while the majority did not notice a thing. We live in a funny world, don't we? Some of us are in full embodiment of our Souls. Some are moving through their Soul's descent into the body. I recently read that it's not about ascension and us rising; it is actually about the Soul's descent into our physical bodies. It rang true. It felt like the most beautiful confirmation of my personal Truths. How does this land with you?

Some may still live disconnected from their bodies, inner guidance, and Hearts. They live on autopilot, numbing, consuming without thinking, and denying a connection to something beyond themselves. At some point, even the most "in the Heart" people fall into that trap. I know I do! When our energy is low, when we are sick, tired, disappointed, and disconnected from our Higher Consciousness. We return to our center through deep awareness and presence. We open and allow our Souls to return. It is so easy to fall into the unconscious abyss. But that's ok; it's part of the journey. This is what it means to LIVE BETWEEN WORLDS.

If you are a Heart-powered being or someone walking this path alongside me, you know how magical things are on the other side. It truly feels like the Universe is conspiring in your favor most of the time, and when it doesn't, you still have faith that this, too, is a valuable experience and part of expansion. 

But I wanted to talk about something else today. 

I spent a month without posting on Instagram. I have thought about it often, but I didn't feel like it. I posted a ton on my personal account. I love documenting our travels for our close friends and family and, most of all, for myself and the kids. They can look back at these archives and remember the adventures they had traveling the globe. I document the silly, the weird, the happy, the awe-inspiring, and the mundane. Anything that stirs my Heart goes there. This got me thinking about how I show up on my Heart-Powered Living account. Why does it feel like such a chore? And it hit me...

In some ways, I have kept the focus of my Instagram account on things that truly deliver value—the kind of things that shift someone from reading just that one post. I conditioned myself to do that. At some point, I asked the audience what they would like to see more of, and no one responded more about your life, Dubai, and Heart-Powered lifestyle-related posts. So I obliged and created more content to please. But it was exhausting in some ways. No, no, no....please don't misunderstand! Creating content for me is the most natural thing. I am all fire and air...I spew posts, podcast episodes, website pages, necklaces, designs, and all forms of creation in my sleep with no effort. The kind of exhaustion I am talking about is having to put your creativity and essence through a fine mesh seave. Essentially, that's what it felt like. 

At this point, I had to ask myself...was I asking the wrong people? Did I outgrow my audience...not in an "I am better than you" way, but did I step more fully into myself and my authenticity, and it's just not something that resonates with them? They may only be interested in practical, applicable, mind-bending, powerful energy-shifting advice on this platform. I created this expectation with the way I was showing up. So, a decision had to be made. Will I continue to create for them, or will I flip the script and create as if no one is watching? (yes, like those cliche quotes on walls of Airbnb and college dorm rooms). 

Above all else, in the space of social media, I crave community. I crave witnessing and knowing people. I crave people seeing me in my humanity and not just mastery. And although my current audience/followers may not be interested in it, this is how I am being called to show up. My Heart is pushing me in the direction of more lightness. Less authority, more lightness. More humanity, less mastery. Showing up as the human behind the brand/teachings feels more important now. And showing up without filters and being concerned about the aesthetic of the overall feed. Sharing what I want to share. Sharing what I want my dream community to read. Throwing away all marketing books. I have to say that sometimes, having spent most of your adult life doing some form of marketing can be a detriment. I am being called to consciously stop buying into social media as a marketing tool but instead, use it for human connection and invest in the longevity and quality of relationships I desire. Some people may fall away, but that's ok.

You know I have this ritual: I celebrate when people unsubscribe from my email list or unfollow me. I celebrate that my "list" is becoming more aligned with the real me. If they unfollow because something didn't resonate—great! Have a beautiful life. I will be here doing my thing, growing relationships with my people. 

How is this applicable to you? Well...if you have a personal Facebook page, who do you deeply care about following? Who do you want to walk this life path with? Who makes you feel safe? Are there people who you cannot be your authentic self with? Why are you Facebook "friends"? No, seriously, why? Are there people you do not trust? Are there people you feel energy daggers coming from? Are there people you send energy daggers to? 

Sometimes, we need to blow up parts of our worlds so they can be rebuilt with more integrity, alignment to our true essence, and pure love. Enough BS! Enough small talk! Enough masks! 

Have you ever reflected on what would be said in your obituary? 

I do. Not in an unhealthy way but as an actual north compass setting. Who do I want to be? How do I want to show up? Some things never change.... "she followed her JOY" is always one. "She loved her people fiercely" is another. "She led with her Heart" and "She lived without fear" are somewhat cliche things that pop into my mind as I reflect on this journey. I was reminded of the fear aspect this morning when my husband shared about the new developments in the Middle East. The fearful me started googling the radius of a certain bomb event and started planning for bottled water because water would immediately be affected. But my Heart screamed, "NO! Stop!" and I did. It is only when we are in our Hearts that we hear and can be guided towards what is our highest good. The mind will continue to interject and activate fear. It's ok. We have tools. 

The loving my people fiercely piece is really big one. The greater our capacity to love someone, the more Divine energy in the form of truth, wisdom, power, and love can flow through us. It's as if when a human makes a choice to explode their Heart with love; more Spirit can flow through them. The vast crater of our Hearts becomes a place for Divine Love to keep blasting through. How does this land for you? How does this touch you? 

It makes me think of some of my sweet followers who often comment and subscribe to my free gifts...and I don't know by name. I have never connected to them. And it makes me feel this deep longing to know them, to send them love. Communion with others starts with connecting with someone energetically, vulnerably, and authentically. Offering them your presence and attention. With a lot of openness and curiosity. Without agendas to sell or convert into fans. Without trying to place them in a container or a course pathway. Simply being. Simply witnessing. Simply connecting as two humans. We can do better! I know I am being called to.

This month off has taught me that when Spirit speaks through me (be it earth, dragons, galactics, ascended masters, elements, my Soul) it is MY voice. I am one with them all. I am an invisible knot in the tapestry of this great Universe. And the love that moves through my Heart melts the knot and runs through all the fibers to all other knots, melting them and merging into oneness. I AM Heart-Powered. I am a human with tools to course-correct. I am not perfect. I am not a guru. I am however, a hollow bone for all that is to flow through me and touch you so you remember this oneness, too.

Sending you so much love!



Regaining AGENCY in life


A Mother's Struggle