Regaining AGENCY in life

I have been reflecting a lot about AGENCY lately. 

We talk a lot about sovereignty, which refers to autonomy, self-governance, and the power to choose what is in one's highest and best interest. 

AGENCY is the capacity to act independently and exercise our free will. It is the doing—the aligned action. AGENCY takes you from a hypothetical "I am a sovereign being" to acting as a fully conscious (awake and aware to the world within and around) being. 

Lack of agency is what prevents many of us from making shifts in our lives towards a reality we desperately desire. Agency is what is needed if you want to take control of the direction of your life.

Please don't confuse the usage of the word "control" as the opposite of the flow state. I am a big believer in flowing with the Divine/Universe and allowing it to guide your every step. In this case, what I am referring to is taking back control from the subconscious mind that is floating you towards a dangerous waterfall. The subconscious that runs the show and has you eat, watch, and consume all that is not in your highest good and prevents you from claiming your power as a sovereign being is also keeping you from claiming agency over your own life. 

A sovereign being is solid in their knowing of who they are, what is in their highest good, and how they serve. We are instruments for the Divine (be it God, Source, Universe, or your own Higher Consciousness). Without agency, we cannot fully step into being, doing, or serving. 

So my question to you is, "Are you waiting for permission?" Are you waiting for someone to validate that you know enough, are enough, and are doing the right thing? Are you waiting for permission or a sign from above to tell you this is the right path? 

At some point on the spiritual path, we claim our sovereignty and stop looking for other humans' permission and feedback. Instead, we look for validation from the Spirit/Universe. And this is the great invitation from the Universe to claim agency fully and trust yourself. Trust the feedback from your body. Trust your inner knowing. Trust your Heart.

If you take anything from this, please let it be this - at some point, you get to make the decision, a conscious one, that you will embody this concept of agency, even when it feels foreign and outlandish. You get to roar with this choice. It's a big slap in the ego's face because you are transcending fear, programming, and every limiting belief at once. You are standing up and saying, "I am the master/mistress of my destiny." And with you stand all your guides, ancestors, beings of Light, and your own Higher Self. They stand behind you, cheering you on, knowing full well that from this energy, you are walking the path of embodiment and full sovereignty. From this energy, you are finally able to claim your kingdom/queendom and explode all that you are within into the outside world. "We have been waiting for you," they say. "It is an honor and a privilege to witness you rise."

I encourage you to reflect on where in your life you are not acting with full agency. In what aspects (work, business, relationship, parenting, nutrition, health) are you not bringing agency and flailing along? Maybe it is a new skill; maybe it is your weight or even your interactions with someone who feels more dominant in their beliefs. 

We live in a world where we constantly try to outsource solutions, seek validation, and still look for the guru. But the thing is, the saying "guru is dead" and the resistance to any form of hierarchy or outsourcing solutions is so prevalent because we are moving into the times (a vibrational bandwidth in our reality) where this is true. The guru is within. You can access all answers, solutions, and frequencies that anyone has accessed and downloaded through your Heart. And the great benefit is that this will be truly customized for YOU. It will be guided by YOUR higher consciousness. And from this place, it is easy to stand in your Light with full agency.


Here we go...another pivot!