β€œLife in technicolor” Masterclass


MAY 20th @11amEST/ 10amCST/ 8amPST/ 4pmUK/ 7pmDubai


your joyful reclamation

Once our basic needs are met and we are out of survival mode, we have a choice to make.

We GET to use this choice. Will you choose to live in full, vibrant expression of you, or will you live in sepia?

πŸ¦‹ How can I live fully today?

πŸ¦‹ How can I bring fullness into all aspects of my life? 

πŸ¦‹ How can I turn the volume up and step into my fullest expression?

The truth is YOU DECIDE to live in full-color today and every day. 

You decide that today is THE day.


Join me

on a journey of inner discovery to find


You will identify where in your life you have been sabotaging yourself and stealing your own joy.

You will leave with a plan and a commitment to finally live each day as THE day instead of the mystical someday.

Join me for a masterclass of joy and magic! 

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is this for you…

πŸͺ« Does life feel stale? 

πŸͺ« Does some aspect or all of life feel "meh" at the moment? 

πŸͺ« Do you find yourself stagnant/ stuck/ lacking motivation, connection, desire, or vitality?

πŸͺ« Do you keep yourself extra busy?

What's happening deep down, below all the noise?  

Is your Soul on fire?

Is your inner Garden of Eden blooming? 

We see glimpses of what it could be when we...

πŸ”‹ Speak to a friend who ignites us;

πŸ”‹ Listen to a podcast that motivates us;

πŸ”‹ Spend a day eating clean and hydrating; 

πŸ”‹ Sit in nature and witness raw beauty; 

πŸ”‹ Get a fresh haircut that shifts our energy;

πŸ”‹ Try on a dress that makes you feel something;

The beauty and vibrancy is within you waiting to be set free!


So, You are Stuck in an Inner Desert Environment?

READY to bring your life into full bloom? 

I am going to teach you how to see all of life through the lens of ELEMENTS (the very fibers that make up our reality). You will be guided to identify the imbalances and disturbances (CHAOS) in your inner world and come up with strategies to bring balance and Light into every nook and cranny.

It is not just about MASCULINE and FEMININE. Your inner landscape is not different from the exterior world. YOU ARE Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. When you can begin to see the world (inner and outer) through the lens of elements, everything will shift!

And the wonderful thing is...


Once we create RIPPLES within your INNER WORLD, you will begin to see MASSIVE SHIFTS in your OUTER REALITY.


🌡 Can you close your eyes and imagine what would be different? How would your day flow?

🌡 What opportunities, friendships, situations you would attract?

🌡 What would it feel like to watch yourself thrive again?

🌡 How would you feel within your body?

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What you will receive

✨ 90-minute live masterclass - LIVE ON ZOOM - MAY 20th @11amEST/ 10amCST/ 8amPST/ 4pmUK/ 7pmDubai (recording provided if you cannot attend)

✨ PDF Workbook - Inner inquiry and exploration are integral to this experience. You will be provided with a beautiful guidebook that will take you through 10 days of deep inner transformation.

✨ Downloadable Meditation - I love creating custom activation/ meditation/ transmission experiences for all of my workshops and programs. This one will connect you to the frequency of the inner Garden of Eden and bring Light and expansion to all parts of you that need it.

✨ As with any live experience, the greatest gift is the activation and transformation we experience in the group that comes together. There will be time for Q+A

Energy Exchange: $22

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About your guide

I’m Kat.

I am an energy worker, channeler, soul alignment + sacred business coach, and β€œliving from the Heart” guide. Above all these labels, I am a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, making Spiritual concepts practical, accessible, and applicable to our modern lives.

I guide spiritually curious women to establish a strong connection with their Souls and reclaim a life of joy, fulfillment, service, connection, and magic.

I work with women on their spiritual journey unfolding, healing relationships with their partners (no matter their consciousness level), and building Soul mission-based business. 

I help them shift from stuckness, mindless autopilot, disillusion, resentment, and victimhood into living from the Heart so they can thrive as magical embodiments of their Souls in the physical. As a result, they experience clarity, empowerment, inner peace, fulfilling relationships, and abundance powered by the intelligence of their Soul.

Join me! I can’t wait to meet you!