Heart Expansion Meditation


As I experienced the meditation myself, these words came through from my wise guides. It felt just right to share them here...

"You are wishing for change, wishing to see change but change begins within. Within each of your Hearts, each of your minds, and moves out into the world. 

As you work on your own energy field your sphere of influence will grow. As you practice intention and working your light, your radius will expand. It will be catapulted outward as you learn to control the energy. It might sound counter-intuitive “control” as all we ever talk about is releasing control and surrendering but the way you were designed is to take control of the physical body and the energy it is capable of processing and ejecting into the world. Once the energy is ignited. Once the energy is set in motion there is no going back. Your power will grow. Your energy will expand. Your capacity for love and holding the frequency of love in your body will grow. This we promise you. 

All of you ask you to feel more love in your lives, we say it starts with giving. It starts with being more loving to every soul you meet for every being you meet is a soul in need of more love and kindness. The clerk at the grocery store who deals with impatient customers, the boss who is taking it out on an employee because a fight with his wife is aggravating his mood, and a child that feels unsupported as they deal with difficult relationships in school. They are all begging for love. All beings are begging for love. Consciously and unconsciously you can become generators of love. Generators of love. For yourself. For these people. For the planet. 

Practice releasing energy out of your body. You are an infinite energy source by default. You are connected to all that is and your Heart is a generator of love (picture Ironman) this love can power the planet. One person in love can shift a million who are in lower consciousness. Do not forget or doubt this for a second. Do not forget or doubt your power for a second. You are a powerful being of light. 

Say it out loud. 

I am a powerful being of light. I am a generator of Love. I am a powerful lightworker. I am light. I am love. I am."

Accompanying Exercise - Affirmations

Get your pen and paper. When it comes to your capacity to love, give love, and stay in the state of love what beliefs arise?

Remember your thoughts create emotions, emotions cause you to act a certain way and these actions create your reality. Every belief you have is a thought you kept thinking. It became ingrained in you. It became part of the code from which your reality is constructed. Let’s rewrite it. Take one of the thoughts. And rewrite it. I’ll go first.

"I only give love to people who are kind to me. I guard my heart when someone hurts me or betrays me." I am going to rewrite it. I know that people who hurt me need even more love than those who don’t. For my sake. And for theirs. Here it goes.

"I am an infinite source of love. God designed me to be a free-flowing generator of love. Love is my natural state. I give love freely. I give love unconditionally.

I love unconditionally. I am unconditional love. Unconditional love is my natural state."

Unconditional love is my natural state. This is my mantra for the day and for the coming weeks. I will keep adding to it.

Your turn. Around love. What is one thought that needs correcting? (Anything around worthiness around receiving, statements about how things always happened for you in the past). Rewrite them now. Remember how powerful your heart is from the meditation you did.

Some affirmations to choose from if you are struggling. As you say each one. Pause. Notice how they feel. Do they send energy running through your body? Do they feel like energy stops?

I am loved.
I am a magnet for love.
I am worthy of love.
I give and receive love freely.
As I call in love it finds me with ease.
Love is all around me. I am Love.

Dolores cannon said. The opposite of love is not fear. It is love. There is nothing on the flip side that is not love. Love is. Love is the frequency of creation. It is the frequency of life. Remember this today. As you hold the frequency of love and the corrected beliefs (old ones are blocking the flow of love so keep working on that) you are becoming a powerful magnet for love and abundance and all good things because in case you didn’t know it love and abundance are the same. Let love flow freely through you today. Let it flow unimpeded. Let it run through you and out.

All the blessings to you today. Much love from my Heart to yours.