"I am Awake, They are Not" Workshop


One of the hardest parts of the awakening and spiritual journey is being on different consciousness levels than your loved ones. This workshop teaches you to switch your perspective, create positive changes, and learn to influence loved ones compassionately and respectfully. Watch the video and engage with the journal prompts below.

Journal Prompts

Examine reasons for being unhappy - Is it them or me? How can I begin to shift my state of being?

  • If reason to leave is to feel good - Is it possible to feel good without leaving? Can you focus on anything about this relationship that feels good?

  • What did you love about them when you first met? What do you still love about them?

  • What helps them open their Heart more?

  • What do you have in common? What brings you both joy?

  • Are there any lessons you are running away from? Lessons - not the person?

  • Are you running away from an emotion? Can you shift it?

  • What am I supposed to learn from this?

  • Put yourself in their shoes: What are they going through? What are their fears?

  • Words carry powerful vibrations and create our reality. What are you speaking into existence?

  • What would my Higher Self do?

  • How can I influence them with love, compassion, and respect?

***Recommended non-spiritual ego test - Positive Intelligence.

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“Finding Your Compass” Workshop