Space Energy Clearing

Is there a room in your house that feels particularly good to you? What about one that brings you down a little every time you enter it? What is it about the downer? Did you have a fight in that room? Were you ill and bedridden there? Or have a negative memory tied to it? Is there an object that has negative connotations?

Spaces are energy. Look around you. Actually, take your eyes off the screen, and look around. Everything in the space around you is made out of energy. On a subatomic particle level, it is all made out of quanta - energy. And this energy is in constant communication with you (the energy that makes you, because you are quanta too). And this communication has an effect on your emotions, state of being, wellness, thoughts, behavior, present and future life. 

Every single object we bring into our house, be it grandma's rug or Target mug, has an energetic vibration. And they feed their energy into the room's energy field. Not only do they come with their own baggage, but they also store the energy that YOU share with them, be it good or bad. If your partner hates that rug, chances are the area around the rug will become dense. It might be subtle at first, but as their irritation with it grows, their negative emotions (energy in motion) will keep feeding the energy field of the room in a negative way. You may find yourself avoiding that area. And one day, you may sit down on the rug to have a cup of tea (out of your favorite Target mug) and feel not quite right. Suddenly that tea won't taste as good, and the colors of the rug and the couch won't seem as vibrant. 

Another example is an area of the house where a plant dies all of a sudden. I had that happen twice. A fiddle leaf fig tree dropped all its leaves two years in a row, leaving me to nurse it back to health. Both times, it happened within a month of my husband hosting a poker game that was played that corner of the house by the tree. I am not sure what kind of negative emotion shedding occurred, but clearly, the bad vibes were not compatible with the tree. I am happy to report all energy has been cleared, and he is doing just fine now (the tree, that is, but the husband is fine too).

This is where energy clearing comes in. The goal is to clear the stagnant, negative, stuck energy in each and every room. Low vibration energy is cleared and shifted. Everything that was affecting your physical and emotional wellbeing is lifted into a higher vibrational frequency. We clear and raise, clear and raise, one room at a time. Think of it as a deep cleaning you would hire a professional to perform. Not only is the low vibration gone, but the space is filled with divine love, blessings, and light.

But my work doesn’t end there. I also teach you the daily energy hygiene skills and equip you to manage and keep raising the frequency both within yourself and your space.

Benefits of a space clearing session:

  • Home is cleared of negative and dense energy; 

  • Space is left feeling lighter and brighter; 

  • A sense of safety and peace arises;

  • Inhabitants feel less triggered and worried;

  • Energetic debris is removed from objects;

  • Space is filled with divine love and high vibration energy.


Total: $400 — This includes an in-person consultation, my preparation prior to the clearing ceremony and your keepsake kit and manual for healthy energy hygiene. 

Schedule a free phone consultation here.