Week 2

The themes of Week 2 are connection, communication, finding common ground to "reknow" and enjoy each other, stepping into mindful presence, speaking your spiritual side in a way that doesn't threaten or alienate, and staying in your power - anchored in your values.

I also wanted to include the book that I recommend to everyone I meet now. "How to improve your marriage without talking about it." by Dr. Patricia Love. And if you are interested in learning more about Nonviolent communication, this book is a great introduction.

If you missed the call or would like to rewatch, replay video AND group chat are available here.

Dowsing Rods - The Power of the Heart Experiment

The exercise with dowsing rods can be seen here. And they are available for purchase on Amazon. There are tons of other vendors, I can only speak for these - I have 5 sets I use in workshops. The rods measure your energy field and as you watch Maddie shrink (using negative thoughts about herself) and expand her field (using Mixed Love Tape exercise) you will watch the rods react to it by closing and opening and PUSHING against me. It is a wild experiment to feel. Sometimes, you have to feel something to believe it.



You can download the workbook pages here or scroll through them below.


Daily Practice

Practicing seeing the good, the values in our partners, having appreciation for the qualities they carry, and the actions/behavior we witness can begin to soften our Hearts to them AND increase connection.


We could all use a little more softening into our mindful/compassionate/loving being. I invite you to try it. 5 seconds of watching the flower in the Heart unfold (you pick - rose, peony, lotus) and acknowledging the desire and intention to soften with your own words or with “I soften into Love. I melt into Love. I release. I release. I release.” The need to soften arises when we are controlled by the ego. Choose differently.

I am Sorry.

Sometimes we need to recognize the role we played at hurting our partners, throwing them into shame/fear/guilt, triggering old wounds, behaving unconsciously. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. Everyone wants to be seen, heard, and acknowledged.

Disarming the Mind Meditation

If you have time, this supportive meditation does not include a yard guy with a blower outside the window.


Week 3


Week 1