Week 1

Welcome, and let's dive right in! You will notice that much of our work together is bridging the Spiritual side and the physical. Physical just happens to be the side and language that our partners understand and can relate to. This first week is all about understanding and voicing who you are in your Truth. The exercises may seem like a basic coaching methodology but don't be fooled. It will give you a stronger foundation and common ground to share with your partner. Once you are done with the inner inquiry work, I would love to invite you (without any judgment or analysis) to begin noticing your partner's qualities that you love and admire about them. It is their soul coming to express itself, their higher version showing itself.

If you missed the call or would like to rewatch, replay video AND group chat are available here.



You can download the workbook pages here or scroll through them below.

Mixed Love Tape

Shifting the Energy Practice

Heart Exercise

Choice Point Explained

Heart Expansion Meditation

This is a beautiful guided meditation journey to engage with the Heart, invite it to open, and activate the power of Love.


Week 2