Turn on Your Light

When the name "Turn on your Light" was given before my guides started speaking, I had a feeling it would be a coaching session about purpose, mission, and embodying your light. It is filled with valuable prompts, activations, and inquiries. You will find them all below. Relax into the experience. Allow whatever wants to come through to come. Take your time after to journal.

Activation work
Imagine the sun above you (or go outside and be with the sun). And say it out loud.

I am open and willing to receive any upgrades that are available for my highest good. 

I activate the dormant codes within my DNA and my body.

I activate the dormant key codes around my abilities. 

I activate the intelligence of my Heart. 

I activate the higher mind that is always available to me. 

I activate my gifts.

I activate my light. 

And so it is. 

It is done.

Journal Prompts
When you are Light...

  • What are you doing? 

  • What do you do when you feel full of light? 

  • What do you say to people? What do you share? 

  • What do you imagine is possible when all this light and support is available to you? 

  • How do you feel? (Like the whole universe is inside you. Like the wisdom of the universe is inside you. Like you are invincible. Like you are god.)

  • How do you move forward?

  • How do you act?

  • How do you show up? 

  • How do you behave?

  • How do you carry yourself?

Self-inquiry Prompts

  • What makes you unique? 

  • What earthly abilities do you possess in this life? 

  • What experiences have you had that make you capable of understanding others' experiences better? 

  • What feels like a gift that you carry? 

  • What is different about your desires? 

  • What is calling you? (Because as you are calling this purpose in, it is calling you. Your destiny. Your highest timeline is calling you. It feels like a siren call. Like nudges. Constant nudges in the direction of exploration, joyful play, but also duty) 

  • What feels scary to you? What feels challenging? What feels insurmountable but at the same time exciting? 

Don’t think about what separates you from that. Don’t think about the ravine that is between you and that unattainable something. Remember, your Heart is magnetic, and it is magnetizing all to you. Divine timing. With Divine will as your guiding force, you are guaranteed to get there. There are no ifs and buts. We repeat, there are no ifs and buts. Follow your breadcrumbs. Follow the guidance that comes. You are a Divine being of light. You are a lightworker. Work your light. Shine it bright. You never know who needs to be touched by it today. We love you. We applaud you for your efforts. Shine your light.