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Hey there!

I’m Kat.

I am an energy worker, channeler, soul alignment + sacred business coach, and β€œliving from the Heart” guide. Above all these labels, I act as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, making Spiritual concepts practical, accessible, and applicable to our modern lives.

I guide spiritually curious women to establish a strong connection with their Souls and reclaim a life of joy, fulfillment, service, connection, and magic. I work with women on their spiritual journey unfolding, healing relationships with their partners (no matter their consciousness level), and building Soul mission-based business. 

I help them shift from stuckness, mindless autopilot, disillusion, resentment, and victimhood to experiencing clarity, empowerment, inner peace, connection, fulfilling relationships, and abundance powered by the intelligence of their Soul.

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Is this you?

Do you feel disconnected from your core - your true essence?

Are you controlling, pushing, and doubting yourself (and your path)? 

Are you longing for more love in your relationship, abundance, freedom, fulfillment with work, creativity, and joy?

Are you resenting your partner for not being spiritual?

Have you been reading all the books and doing all the things, yet no concrete change happens?

Do you find yourself walking around in circles around spirituality, not quite feeling it all connect and ignite?

You are in the right place. Welcome!

When you become Heart-Powered, you become powered by a force greater than your human Ego. 

You become Intentional, Mindful, Intuitive, Creative, Conscious, and a Channel for the Divine.

This is our work together. Whether through my free content, 1:1 work, group coaching, or self-paced programs, the journey is the same - through the Heart. 


 Where to start?

If you are brand new to Heart-Powered Living, the absolute best place to start is "21 Days of Becoming Heart-Powered."

Every day for 21 days, you will receive an email that takes you through my process. You will be guided with exercises, inner inquiry prompts, meditations, transmissions, and more.

It is FREE. It is effective and easy to follow. It is based on the methodology used in my 1:1 work, workshops, and group coaching.

Looking for more??? If you are feeling stuck, going through a difficult life transition, struggling in a relationship, or looking to start a spiritual business, schedule a Breakthrough Intensive Session. I work with women 1:1 and in intimate group containers in these areas.


Classes, workshops, masterclasses, courses, programs…



β€œLife in Technicolor” Masterclass - Guiding you to return to full vibrancy and joy in all aspects of life.

This masterclass will help you identify where in your life you have been sabotaging yourself and stealing your own joy. You will leave with a plan and a commitment to finally live each day as THE day instead of the mystical someday.

β€œSummer of Self-Love” 90-day program of tending to your Garden of Eden within.

How would your life change if you spent 90 days in service to all aspects of your Self? Join me this summer live gatherings, daily emails, weekly private podcasts, and more.

β€œMasters of Energy” Course

This is the program I wish was available for me when I was embarking on my spiritual awakening journey. I want to empower you to become a Master of Energy + to assist in connecting the Spiritual Awakening dots.




A free hour-long Masterclass for Spiritual Women (and especially Mothers) looking to get crystal clear on what it takes to Start + Run a Soul-led Business and if it is for you at this time.

Bonus: You will also receive a 5-day email course to free you from the impostor, unworthy, perfectionist, procrastinator, stuck in negative self-talk small self and shift you into the empowered creator/luminary that you came here to be.

β€œThe Convert Portal” 3-Part Masterclass Series - Port your existing 3D Matrix Business into New Earth

Does it feel like your business is a tree without Spiritual roots?

Does it feel like you are not supported by Spirit?

Let's change this! Your business work is a process of co-creation with the Divine. Let’s plug you and your business into the Net.

β€œEmpowered Creation” - Birthing your Dream Soul-led Business with the Year-Long Group Council Journey

Chances are you did not sign up to be an entrepreneur. And your passion and gifts lie elsewhere. You simply want to answer your mission/purpose calling. And this is why an experienced guide and a collaborative council of women walking this path together is essential! Together we rise!

 FOR Relationships

β€œI am Awake; They are Not” FREE Workshop - Learn to shift your relationship FROM STRUGGLE INTO LOVE (no matter your partner’s consciousness level)

Are you struggling in your romantic relationship? Do you feel like you and your partner are living in different realities, timelines, or even planets?

β€œLoving from the Heart” Program - Returning to Lightness and harmony in your romantic relationship.

Self-study program with LIVE monthly group circle gatherings teaching how to relate to your partner in a new way, feel empowered to communicate your beliefs and emotions, establish the lost connection, return to experiencing Love and fulfillment, and so much more. Loving from the Heart is the pathway to fully Living from the Heart.


Why this work? Why now?

The Great Shift

Humanity is going through the great spiritual awakening. We are remembering that we are more than this body and limited mind (+ego). We hear whispers and feel the pulls of our Higher Selves/Souls - our higher consciousness. How do we bridge the two? How do we integrate it into this physical reality? How do you become an embodiment of this higher consciousness?

You return to your Heart. You shift into living from the Heart. Your Heart is the portal that connects you to this greater intelligence and God/Universe/Source/Spirit. 

I take you through MY PROCESS of..

  1. Remembering who you are beyond this personality.

  2. Quieting your mind + clearing the static.

  3. Reconnecting to your intuition/Heart/Higher Self.

  4. Reclaiming your creator power.

  5. Becoming a master of energy. 

  6. Opening yourself up as a channel for Divine Love, Will, and Wisdom.

Through this, you become Heart-powered.


What is Heart-Powered Living?


The name and concept behind Heart-Powered Living were channeled through me in 2020. It was introduced as "the way of Heart Consciousness.” It is a high-vibration way of being that is filled with creativity, connection, joy, and miracles. Yes, miracles! It is about conscious, intentional, mindful, and intuitive living (see the pillars below).

When you become Heart-powered, you are powered by the Divine. You are ignited and walk this planet as an avatar for your Soul. This is the New Earth / New Paradigm way of operating. This is how we usher in the era of peace, love, and abundance for all. This is how we shift into Heart Consciousness.

Let’s break these pillars because they are not just buzzwords.

  • Conscious - You are awake and aware to the world within and without. You are a master of energy and self-awareness.

  • Intentional- You live with a purpose, creating your life from your magnetic Heart with intention.

  • Mindful - Instead of the habitual autopilot-driven and distracted state of being, you quiet the ego narratives and choose to live in the present moment with curiosity, compassion, and acceptance.

  • Intuitive - You surrender to the flow of life, trust the Universe, and follow the guidance of your Heart (Hint: your Heart gets the messages that your brain cannot process).

  • Creative - You effortlessly co-create the dream life and reality your Soul came here to experience. Creativity flows through you. You feel in co-creation with the Universe and your Soul, because that is what is happening.

The most important part is - you are powered by Love - the energy that created our world. You are an open channel for Divine Will, Love, Truth, and Power. You are a channel for Light. You are powered by the Divine. You are a Holy vessel of Heart-consciousness.


The power of the heart demo


client love notes



Every Friday, I send a newsletter with Collective Energy Reading updates,

intuitive guidance, inner inquiry prompts,

free gifts, and occasional invitations to work with me.

 (I am being told they feel really good to read.πŸ˜‰) 


Have feedback? Need assistance? Want to cooperate/cocreate?

Email me at
